Fungicide Program
When your lawn gets affected by disease, you’ll want to treat it right away to stop it from spreading and get it back to a healthy state. Some of the most destructive lawn diseases can be easily controlled with the proper fungicide treatment.
Here are a few turf diseases that are common in our area
Dollar Spot - This is a fungal disease of turfgrass that can occur throughout the growing season. Hour-glass shaped lesions appear on the grass blades. Effected turf will exhibit numerous patches 2 to 6 inches across.
Red Thread - This disease is common during rainy periods in late spring and early summer. It is one of the most common diseases in our area. Red thread appears as circular or irregularly shaped patches of blighted turf, typically with a red or pink cast.
Brown Patch - This turf disease will appear mid to late summer under extended periods of high temperature and humidity. Brown patch symptoms usually appear as light brown circular patches from 6 inches up to several feet in diameter.